Sunday, January 27, 2019

Urban Legend | Goatman Of Maryland


     As the name suggests, this creature has a half human body and a half goat. Maybe you can imagine this Goatman form like in fantasy films.

      With a body height of approximately 2 meters and weighing more than 100 kg, this Goatman has very long horns like a goat with 2 feet like a human carrying an ax.

      Initially, this creature was found in the forest in Maryland by hunters. But when pursued, suddenly this creature disappears and only leaves a dog victim dead, with his head separated and his body with his employer's body. And these two bodies are not far from the location where the Goatman of Maryland was located. But, fortunately before he ran away the hunters had time to take pictures.

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■ Always healthy all and keep up the spirit.

Instumental Music | David Chappel - Who Will Save Us Now

David Chappel - Who Will Save Us Now

Title   : Who Will Save Us Now
Artist : David Chappel

     More description about the music on the link. Hope you all enjoy and like this instrumental music, so check it!

■ First, really sorry if writing a sentence in a language that is not smooth.
■ And, I'm sure you all are generous person, so please don't forget to follow this simple blog.
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■ Always healthy all and keep up the spirit.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Vocal Music | Eurielle - Carry Me [Feat. Eurielle]

Eurielle - Carry Me [Feat. Eurielle]

Title    : Carry Me
Artist  : Eurielle
Vocals : Eurielle 

     More info about the music one link. Hope you guys did enjoy and like this vocal music, so check it guys!

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■ And, I'm sure you all are generous person, so please don't forget to follow this simple blog.
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■ Always healthy all and keep up the spirit.

Information And Temperatures Of Each Star Color


     Stars are sky objects that emit light. There are fake stars and real stars. Pseudo-stars are stars that do not produce light themselves, but reflect light received from other stars. The real star is the star that produce their own light. In general, the term star is a space object that produces its own light (real star).

     According to astronomy, the definition of a star is: "All massive objects (ranging from 0.08 to 200 masses of sun) are currently and have carried out energy generation through nuclear fusion reactions."

     Therefore, white dwarfs and neutron stars that have not emitted light or energy are still called stars. The closest star to Earth is the Sun at a distance of about 149,680,000 kilometers, followed by Proxima Centauri in the constellation Centaurus about four light years away.

Here follows the temperature of each color in the star:

Red star

     Red stars are stars with the lowest temperature, 2,000-5,000 Kelvin. This star is categorized as "M & K."
     With a mass of 0.3-0.8 which means 0.4-0.9, and emits luminotus 0.004-0.4. And having very weak gradient lines is almost invisible.

White star

     A white star is a star with a higher temperature than a red star, the temperature produced by this white star is 5,000-10,000 Kelvin. This colored star has the categories "G, F, and A." And our Sun is a star in category G.
     With mass 1.1-3.2 which is 1.1-2.5, and emits luminotus 1.2-80. And it has strong gradient lines and some are strong enough to be weak.

Blue Star

     A blue star is the star with the hottest temperature, 10,000-60,000 Kelvin. This star is categorized as "B & O."
     With a mass of 18-60 which has a range of 7-15, and emits luminotus from 20,000 to 1,400,000. And it has gradient lines that are strong enough and some are weak.

Here comes the star color explanation table:

■ First, really sorry if writing a sentence in a language that is not smooth.
■ And, I'm sure you all are generous person, so please don't forget to follow this simple blog.
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■ Always healthy all and keep up the spirit.

Keterangan Dan Suhu-Suhu Pada Setiap Bintang


     Bintang merupakan benda langit yang memancarkan cahaya. Terdapat bintang semu dan bintang nyata. Bintang Semu adalah bintang yang tidak menghasilkan cahaya sendiri, tetapi memantulkan cahaya yang diterima dari bintang lain. Bintang Nyata adalah bintang yang menghasilkan cahaya sendiri. Secara umum sebutan bintang adalah objek luar angkasa yang menghasilkan cahaya sendiri (bintang nyata).

     Menurut ilmu astronomi, definisi bintang adalah: "Semua benda masif (bermassa antara 0,08 hingga 200 massa matahari) yang sedang dan pernah melangsungkan pembangkitan energi melalui reaksi fusi nuklir."

     Oleh sebab itu, bintang katai putih dan bintang neutron yang sudah tidak memancarkan cahaya atau energi tetap disebut sebagai bintang. Bintang terdekat dengan Bumi adalah Matahari pada jarak sekitar 149,680,000 kilometer, diikuti oleh Proxima Centauri dalam rasi bintang Centaurus berjarak sekitar empat tahun cahaya.

Berikut ini keterangan mengenai suhu setiap warna pada bintang:

Bintang Merah

     Bintang berwarna merah merupakan bintang dengan suhu paling rendah yaitu, 2.000-5.000 Kelvin. Bintang ini di kategorikan "M&K." 
     Dengan massa 0.3-0.8 yang beradius 0.4-0.9, serta memancarkan luminotus 0.004-0.4. Dan memliliki garis-garis gradien yang sangat lemah bahkan hampir tidak terlihat.

Bintang Putih

     Bintang berwarna putih merupakan bintang dengan suhu yang lebih tinggi dari bintang berwarna merah, suhu yang dihasilkan bintang berwarna putih ini 5.000-10.000 Kelvin. Bintang berwarna ini memiliki kategori "G, F, dan A." Dan Matahari kita merupakan bintang dengan kategori G.
     Dengan massa 1.1-3.2 yang beradius 1.1-2.5, serta memancarkan luminotus 1.2-80. Dan memiliki garis-garis gradien kuat dan ada yang cukup kuat sampai yang lemah.

Bintang Biru

     Bintang berwarna biru merupakan bintang dengan suhu terpanas yaitu, 10.000-60.000 Kelvin. Bintang ini dikategorikan "B&O."
     Dengan massa 18-60 yang beradius 7-15, serta memancarkan luminotus 20.000-1.400.000. Dan memiliki garis-garis gradien yang cukup kuat dan ada yang lemah.

Ini dia bentuk tabel penjelasan warna bintang:

● Pertama, benar-benar maaf jika dalam penulisan kalimat bahasa kurang lancar.
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● Jadi, silakan sukai artikel untuk dukungan.
● Selalu sehat semua dan tetap semangat.

Instrumental Music | Chris Davey - Running In Dreams

Chris Davey - Running In Dreams

Title   : Running In Dreams
Artist : Chris Davey

     More description about the music on the link. Hopefully you guys enjoy and like this instrumental music, so guys check it!

■ First, really sorry if writing a sentence in a language that is not smooth.
■ And, I'm sure you all are generous person, so please don't forget to follow this simple blog.
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■ Always healthy all and keep up the spirit.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Shadow Person

Shadow Person

      It is believed that the shadow person is a shadowy human figure that often appears at night. Maybe you have experienced it yourself. For example, when cooking alone in the kitchen at night, you feel someone lurking / watching behind, or seeing a flash of black shadow.

      The testimony of the people who met the Shadow Person figure is more terrible than what we imagined. They testified that the shadow had chased and attacked them so they fainted from fear.

■ First, really sorry if writing a sentence in a language that is not smooth.
■ And, I'm sure you all are generous person, so please don't forget to follow this simple blog.
■ So, please like the article for support.
■ Always healthy all and keep up the spirit.

Instrumental Music | Marcus Warner - In The End

Marcus Warner - In The End Title   : In The End Artist : Marcus Warner      More info about the music on the link. Hope you all lik...