Monday, January 28, 2019

The Most Unique Fruits On Earth

Here are some of the most unique fruits on earth!


     Pineberry is a strawberry-shaped fruit with a pineapple flavor. This fruit is sold at a price that is so expensive and only available in spring and summer.

     And this fruit is the result of breeding strawberry stock from Chile and Virgina with commercial planting in the Netherlands.

Kiwano Melon

     Kiwano Melon is a local fruit that grows in New Zealand, California and South Africa. This fruit has outer skin like dragon fruit and a circular seed structure like cucumber.

     Kiwano Melon has a yellowish color with bright, green jelly-like fruit with lots of grain. Kiwano melon is often referred to as a fruit with a combination of cucumber, oranges, and bananas.


     Pepino is a watermelon-like fruit and is the result of a cross between a melon and a pear. This fruit has a sweet taste.

      Pepino is grown in the South American region and exported to New Zealand to Turkey.


     Ceplukan or Physalis is the name of a type of small fruit, which when the fruit is mature is covered by enlargement of the flower petals.

     This fruit grows in the territory of Indonesia and the fruit is sold at a price that is quite expensive because, its usefulness and fruit is so difficult to find.

Miracle Fruit

     Miracle Fruit comes from West Africa. When you eat this fruit, there will be sweetness left for hours.

Wood Apples

     Wood Apple is a fruit with hard skin like wood. This fruit is generally gray, yellow, or green.

     This fruit is often used as an alternative medicine. Likewise the trees are maintained and cared for properly. This is because the apple tree is considered sacred and sacred by Hindus.


     Cupuacu is a unique fruit that originates from the Amazon mainland. This fruit has the title 'superfruit' because of its flavor that cannot be expressed with extraordinary words and benefits.

     Cupuacu is often served as a dessert. Sari fruit similar to pears with a mixture of bananas and pineapple makes many people who know this type of fruit to like it.

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