Monday, February 4, 2019

Vocal Music | It's Done by Epic Music Vn [Feat. Merethe Soltvedt]

It's Done by Epic Music Vn (Feat. Merethe Soltvedt)

Title    : It's Done
Artist  : Epic Music Vn
Vocals : Merethe Soltvedt

     More description about the music on the link. Hopefully you all like and enjoy this vocal music, so check it!

■ First, really sorry if writing a sentence in a language that is not smooth.
■ And, I'm sure you all are generous person, so please don't forget to follow this simple blog.
■ So, please like the article for support.
■ Always healthy all and keep up the spirit.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Most Genius People On Earth

Here are some of the most genius people with such high IQs!

Stephen Hawking

     Stephen Hawking is a theoretical physicist, writer, and cosmologist and Director of Research at the Center for Theoretical Cosmology at Cambridge.
     And is someone who has made a big and extraordinary contribution in the field of general relativity. With an IQ of 160.

Albert Einstein

     Albert Einstein is a scientist who developed relativity and was the inventor of the law of the effects of photolis. The names are more or less always written in every physics book. With an IQ of 160-190.

Judit Polgar

     Judit Polgar is someone who became a professor at the age of 15 years and is the only woman ranked 63 in the FIDE Top 100 list. With an IQ of 170.

Christopher Michael Langan

     Christopher Michael Langan is someone who is able to speak fluently when he was six months old. He managed to get a perfect score on the SAT, which at that time people thought he was just sleeping. With an IQ of 195

Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie

     Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie is a figure called Teknorak thanks to his work in the form of airplanes and is the chairman of ICMI. With an IQ of 200.

Christopher Hirata

     Christopher Hirata is someone who completed college at the age of 12 years and worked on a project with NASA at the age of 16.
     And won a gold medal at the International Science Olympics at the age of 13 years and attended a Ph.D class in the field of astrophysics when he was 18 years old. With an IQ of 225.

William James Sidis

     William James Sidis is someone who successfully graduated from elementary school within 7 months and, studied at Havard at the age of 11 years and could master 40 languages. With an IQ of 250-300.

■ First, really sorry if writing a sentence in a language that is not smooth.
■ And, I'm sure you all are generous person, so please don't forget to follow this simple blog.
■ So, please like the article for support.
■ Always healthy all and keep up the spirit.

Orang-Orang Paling Jenius Di Bumi

Berikut beberapa orang paling jenius dengan IQ yang begitu tinggi!

Stephen Hawking

     Stephen Hawking adalah fisikawan teoritis, penulis, dan ahli kosmologi sekaligus Direktur Penelitian di Pusat Kosmologi Teoretis di Cambridge.
     Dan merupakan seseorang yang telah membuat kontribusi besar dan luar biasa di bidang relativitas umum. Dengan tinggi IQ 160.

Albert Einstein

     Albert Einstein adalah ilmuwan yang mengembangkan relativitas dan merupakan penemu hukum efek fotolis. Yang namanya kurang lebih selalu di tulis dalam setiap buku fisika. Dengan tinggi IQ 160-190.

Judit Polgar

     Judit Polgar adalah seseorang yang menjadi profesor pada usia 15 tahun dan satu-satunya wanita yang berada pada peringkat 63 dalama daftar Top 100 FIDE. Dengan tinggi IQ 170. 

Christopher Michael Langan

     Christopher Michael Langan adalah seseorang yang  mampu berbicara fasih pada saat masih berusia enam bulan. Dia berhasil mendapatkan nilai sempurna di SAT yang pada saat itu orang-orang mengira hanya sedang tidur. Dengan tinggi IQ 195

Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie

     Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie adalah sosok yang disebut Teknorak berkat karnyanya yang berupa pesawat terbang dan merupakan ketua umum ICMI. Dengan tinggi IQ 200.

Christopher Hirata

     Christopher Hirata adalah seseorang yang menyelesaikan perguruan tinggi pada usia 12 tahun serta, mengerjakan sebuah proyek dengan NASA pada usia 16 tahun.
     Dan memenangkan medali emas di Olimpiade Sains Internasional pada usia 13 tahun dan menghadiri kelas Ph.D di bidang astrofisika saat berusia 18 tahun. Dengan tinggi IQ 225.

William James Sidis

     William James Sidis adalah seseorang yang berhasil lulus sekolah dasar dalam waktu 7 bulan serta, kuliah di Havard pada usia 11 tahun dan mampy menguasai 40 bahasa yang ada. Dengan tinggi IQ 250-300.

● Pertama, benar-benar maaf jika dalam penulisan kalimat bahasa kurang lancar.
● Dan, Saya yakin Anda adalah orang yang murah hati, jadi jangan lupa untuk mengikuti blog sederhana ini.
● Jadi, silakan sukai artikel untuk dukungan.
● Selalu sehat semua dan tetap semangat.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Instrumental Music | Matt Ng - One Moment In Time

Matt Ng - One Moment In Time

Title   : One Moment In Time
Artist : Matt Ng

     More description about the music on the link guys. Hopefully you guys enjoy and like this instrumental music, so check it guys!

■ First, really sorry if writing a sentence in a language that is not smooth. 
■ And, I'm sure you all are generous person, so please don't forget to follow this simple blog.
■ So, please like the article for support.
■ Always healthy all and keep up the spirit.

Mythology | Ragnarok


      Ragnarok (destiny of the gods) is a part of Nordic mythology about fighting at the end of the world. A battle between irsir, led by Odin and the demons (fire giants and various monsters led by Loki), and Iris. Battle takes place somewhere called Vigrid Plain.

      The meaning of this battle is not only a battle between Gods, giants and monsters, but also involves the entire universe. From this battle many dead gods including odin.

■ First, really sorry if writing a sentence in a language that is not smooth.
■ And, I'm sure you all are generous person, so please don't forget to follow this simple blog.
■ So, please like the article for support.
■ Always healthy all and keep up the spirit.

Mitologi | Ragnarok


     Ragnarok (takdir para dewa) adalah suatu bagian dari mitologi Nordik tentang pertempuran di akhir dunia. Pertempuran antara Æsir, yang dipimpin oleh Odin dan para iblis (raksasa api dan berbagai monster yang dipimpin oleh Loki), serta Iris .Pertempuran terjadi di suatu tempat bernama Vigrid Plain.
     Makna dari pertempuran ini tidak hanya pertempuran antara Dewa, raksasa dan monster, tetapi juga melibatkan seluruh alam semesta. Dari pertempuran ini banyak dewa-dewi yang mati termasuk odin.

● Pertama, benar-benar maaf jika dalam penulisan kalimat bahasa kurang lancar.
● Dan, Saya yakin Anda adalah orang yang murah hati, jadi jangan lupa untuk mengikuti blog sederhana ini.
● Jadi, silakan sukai artikel untuk dukungan.
● Selalu sehat semua dan tetap semangat.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Vocal Music | Heart Of Lore by Phil Rey & Felicia Farerre [Feat. Felicia Farerre]

Heart Of Lore by Phil Rey & Felicia Farerre (Feat. Felicia Farerre)

Title           : Heart Of Lore
Composer : Phil Rey & Felicia Fererre
Vocals        : Felicia Fererre

     More info about the music on the link. Hopefully you all enjoy and like this vocal music, so what you all waiting for, check it!

■ First, really sorry if writing a sentence in a language that is not smooth. 
■ And, I'm sure you all are generous person, so please don't forget to follow this simple blog.
■ So, please like the article for support.
■ Always healthy all and keep up the spirit.

Instrumental Music | Marcus Warner - In The End

Marcus Warner - In The End Title   : In The End Artist : Marcus Warner      More info about the music on the link. Hope you all lik...